Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Hello :) On Friday we received the news that our Family Sponsorship Page was set up by the amazing RR team. It is still so exciting to see his name with ours. Our page can be seen here. We have started gathering up the paperwork to finish our home study and to start on our dossier paperwork. Oh my goodness! The dossier paperwork is so overwhelming,

It was also wonderful to find out that our little Silas has an advocate who held a fundraiser for him. They made over $1200 to go towards his adoption. We would like to say thank you to the family who did this for us. You have no idea how much it means to us that you are helping get him home!

Although we are so early in the process, we are truly amazed at the dedication of the RR team. They truly are an amazing group of people. We have already had questions to which they have so rapidly responded. It is such a wonderful feeling to have these people in our corner through this journey. Also, there are so many things that we just assumed we were on our own to do, but nope! The RR team just pops up and is there to save the day :) and no clue how I can ever repay this wonderful group of people.

In other news, our youngest, Maben, turned one yesterday. It is so hard to believe a whole year has gone by. I just have to keep that in mind that is how fast these months will go by until we are able to bring Silas home.

It has also been a wonderful feeling to see how many people care about Silas. I apologize those of you now following that our blog is incomplete. We have been trying to find the time to get family pictures and other items together so that we have the most recent pics on the blog. With the start of summer, there will be more time for us to work on this :)

Thank you to everyone who is supporting us on our journey. We are so blessed to have your love and support!


  1. So touched by your story, and excited for you!!

    Nikki - get your blog designed and support global education!

  2. I came across the Reece's Rainbow page a year and a half ago and my family decided to pick a child to pray for every night with our then 2 year old twins. God led us to Silas. We have since had 2 more children and each night we end our prayers with "and please help Silas find a home". Last week our prayers changed to "please help Silas to come home". It is so nice to discover the reason the Lord prompted our hearts to pray differently was because he has found his family! We are REJOICING and will continue to pray!
